
Speed camera on Riverside Drive vandalized


Mix of freezing rain causes messy commute The freezing rain quickly turned into rain Friday morning, causing some localized flooding and massive puddles. CTV's Katelyn Wilson reports

Vandalism has hit at least one speed camera in Ottawa after someone spray painted it over.

Officials say it’s a criminal offence and is being investigated, but the clean-up is costing tax payers money.

The speed camera is located on Riverside Drive, a high traffic area. It was installed in 2023 as a measure to crack down on speeding in the busy neighbourhood around Mooney’s Bay beach.

The speed limit on the street is 60 km/h, but cars are often speeding by 10 to 20 kilometres over the limit, which encouraged the city to install the new camera.

"We know that there is a segment of the population who don’t support the cameras, but this is not the way to do it, you don’t vandalize this type of equipment, you can certainly share your opinion," said Coun. Riley Brockington.

The camera was almost completely covered in blue paint.

"It’s very expensive and it just further delays the installation of this traffic calming feature," Brockington said.

The camera was still in the testing phase and was not issuing tickets.

"I don’t know why anybody would want to vandalize something like that. Just follow the speed limit and that’s it. It’s not rocket science," said Dan Sauve, an Ottawa resident.

"I don’t feel that the respect is there. The speed cameras are there for a reason and people are just disrespecting that rules," said Bushra Hussain, who drives in the area.

The camera is one of 32 new photo radar cameras that are being installed across the city.

In 2023, there were tens of thousands of tickets handed out with 63,000 in the first six months of the year alone.

Residents say that part of Riverside Drive has been a long-time problem.

"There’s kids and people walking around that area so it’s high traffic," said Hussain. "It makes sense why there’s speed cameras there."

In a statement to CTV News, the city says in part: "The camera is expected to be operational and ready to start enforcement within the next few days. Staff are not aware of any pending charges related to the vandalism of this camera."

Officials say a contractor will have to come at taxpayer's expense to clean up the mess.

It’s not clear how soon the clean-up will happen and whether officials are close to finding the person responsible. The city says between 2020 and 2023, there were incidents of vandalism at 11 speed camera locations in the city.