Ottawa — The City of Ottawa had to call in the police to shut down the Mooney's Bay area after thousands of people gathered to celebrate Canada Day.
Hundreds of people were on the beach and the surrounding area Wednesday afternoon and evening. One officer on scene told CTV News that at one point, there were close to 3,500 people in the area.
Witnesses say there was very little physical distancing.
"It's kind of worrying because everyone might get sick," says Mohamed Al Saedan, who was at Mooney's Bay.
"Everyone is close to each other, it's kind of wrong," he adds, as fire crackers go off in the background.
Just after 8:00 p.m., police were called to the Mooney's Bay area, where they started turning cars and residents away. Around 10:00 p.m., the City requested the site be closed immediately, citing health concerns and disorder issues.
It's not clear if Bylaw officers, who were in the area for the day, issued any warnings or tickets to anyone.