
Driver stopped going 187 km/h on Hwy. 417 in Ottawa one month after getting G2 licence


Ontario Provincial Police say an officer observed a G2 driver going 187 km/h on Hwy. 417 in Ottawa Tuesday night. (OPP/X)

A G2 driver is facing a charge of stunt driving, after being stopped going 87 km/h over the speed limit on Highway 417 four weeks after getting their licence.

Ontario Provincial Police say an officer observed a driver going 187 km/h on the highway in Ottawa Tuesday night.

“The driver had just received their G2 on February 18, 2025,” the OPP said on X.

“The driver was charged with stunt driving but has also been charged criminally with dangerous operation. Dad was especially unimpressed since it was his vehicle, and the driver was using it to make food deliveries.”

Police say the driver received an immediate 30-day driving suspension and the vehicle has been impounded for 14 days.

“They now face a one year driving prohibition and minimum $2,000 fine upon conviction. The driver would also have to start the Graduated Licencing program over from the beginning,” the OPP said.

Under Ontario’s licencing system, a G2 driver can drive without another experienced driver in the car, on all Ontario roads and at any time of the day. You must have your G2 licence for 12 months before taking a G2 exit test.