Northern Ontario

Students beautify outdoor space at Sudbury Theatre Centre


Sudbury students beautify outdoor theatre space Wednesday, Grade 11 and 12 students beautified the outdoor patio space at the Sudbury Theatre Centre building in downtown Sudbury.

The temperature may have been chilly Wednesday, but that didn’t stop Grade 11 and 12 students from Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School in Hanmer.

They were working to beautify the outdoor patio space at the Sudbury Theatre Centre building in downtown Sudbury.

The school has a partnership with Yes Theatre, which operates out of the space.

“The students from my Agriculture SHSM -- and part of that is one of the classes is the Green Industries class,” said Kirk McKee a teacher at Bishop Alexander Carter.

“So my students from my Green Industries class had the opportunity to come here today to help Yes Theatre beautify and revive after the winter, their garden patio area.”

The Catholic high school has offered the Agriculture SHSM or Special High Skills Major for the past five years. The beautification project for Yes Theatre is one of their first out-of-classroom projects so far this semester.

McKee said it’s always a proud moment when students see the finished results.

“They usually talk about it afterwards, because (other) students will notice that they’re not at school, in class and ask ‘where were you, what were you doing?’” he said.

“They talk about it. Some of them have probably taken pictures with their cellphones to share with friends.”

The patio space is meant for audiences to enjoy prior to a show or during intermission.

“Every winter you see the patio being unused and nature just takes it over,” said venue manager Jake Deeth.

“So it’s so amazing to have Bishop Carter Alexander coming in and just beautifying and green-ifying the Rock Solid patio and the grounds around the Sudbury Theatre Centre, to get it ready for our huge summer festival.”

Deeth said rehearsals will start next week for two of Yes Theatre’s productions coming up in June and July. And he’s thrilled the outdoor patio will be ready in time.

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