Timmins MPP George Pirie visited the Golden Manor on Tuesday to hear what residents think about the new services that will allow them to receive care onsite.
Residents will now be able to have dialysis treatments without having to go to the hospital, a result of a $160,000 funding announcement to the home.
“As you know, the Golden Manor is owned by the municipality ... so any time we have any kind of funding that comes in from the province to help them out, it is very important to the facility and to the residents of Timmins,” said Pirie.
The Golden Manor is one of 14 long-term-care facilities in northeastern Ontario that's getting a portion of $2 million from the province. Others include Pioneer Manor in Sudbury, Weeneebayko Area Health Authority in James Bay and West Nipissing General Hospital in Sturgeon Falls.
The mayor of Timmins said she appreciates the fact that the city can decide how the money is used.
“It’s based on our local priorities and so that’s really what this fund was for," said Mayor Michelle Boileau.
“We’re always appreciative to the province when we have the opportunity to identify what our priorities are and we’re resourced adequately to be able to address them.”
Another specific need at the Golden Manor is advanced wound therapy.
“Specifically, negative pressure wound therapy, which typically is long in duration -- six to eight weeks,” said Lia Fontana, administrator of the Golden Manor.
“We typically send those residents to hospital (because) we don’t have the ability to provide that. So we were fortunate enough with our proposal to be approved to purchase the equipment and to provide education to the staff.”
South Centennial Manor in Iroquois Falls and the Espanola Retirement Home are receiving more than half of the funding--around $1 million -- to manage complex needs such as bariatric care for people who are obese, and for people who are bedbound or have dementia.
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