Sudbury — With June here and temperatures climbing, gardeners will be out in full force planting their flowers and vegetable from seed.
But a garden centre owner says don’t be in a rush because you should harden off your plants first.
“Dedicate as much time to the project as you can -- I usually dedicate three or four days,” said Jeff Warner of Aidie Creek Gardens in Englehart.
He recommends taking the plants out for a couple of hours each day and place them in the shade and out of the wind.
“The more you put them out, the happier the plants will be,” he said.
Warner suggests that if you’re worried about the cool nights, it’s easier to keep your plants in the pots a little while longer.
And he has some sage advice for those who want to plant early.
“So you should be watching from the beginning of June to the 10th of June and the 14-day forecast to make sure you’re in the clear," he said.
Warner also recommends you check your plants for water as they spend more time outdoors.