Northern Ontario

North Bay pierogi-making workshop supports Ukrainians


Pierogie workshop held in North Bay A pierogi-making workshop was held in North Bay to support Ukrainians through The Vest Project.

Around 40 people took part in one of two pierogi making workshops Sunday in North Bay.

It’s a fundraiser event for The Vest Project, an initiative to raise money to purchase protective equipment for people in Ukraine. 

Those at the workshop got to make pierogies from scratch and some were also being sold to the North Bay community.

Handmade pierogies made at North Bay workshop Handmade pierogies made at North Bay workshop in support of The Vest Project. April 10/22 (Jaime McKee/CTV Northern Ontario)

The teachers of the workshop are Ukrainian and told CTV News being able to help their country even in a small way is important.

"If I could, I would go there and cook, but I really can’t," said Joann Zytaruk.

"So, the best I can do is cook here and raise some money to send there."

She said she wants people to realize how interesting the Ukrainian culture is.

Organizers said events like this one is what will continue to encourage people to keep donating to The Vest Project. 

"Today is basically to get people out, introduce themselves, have some fun, try something new," said Michelle Seguin, who organized Sunday’s event. 

"This is to support what’s going on over there. If we all can do our little share and help out, that would be great." 

More than $30,000 has been raised in just two weeks. 

"In a week, maybe two weeks, we’ve been able to raise $32,000 thanks to the generosity of our community. It’s just been incredible," said Lorie Burns, one of the founders of The Vest Project.