Northern Ontario

Minor injuries after moose, vehicle collide on Hwy. 11 in northern Ont.


'Watch for wildlife': SUV hits moose on Highway 11 Ontario Provincial Police warning northern motorists to lookout for wildlife on the roads after an SUV hit a moose on Highway 11.

Two people received minor injuries Sunday evening when a vehicle and a moose collided on Highway 11.

The moose was killed in the crash, Ontario Provincial Police said Monday, reminding residents the risk of hitting a moose is higher this time of year.

“As we enter into a higher risk season for moose activity on our highways, a collision last night in Cochrane serves as a reminder to drive cautiously, especially at night,” the OPP said in a news release.

“The driver and passenger suffered minor injuries, including a hoof coming through the driver's side window.”

James Bay OPP offer these ways to reduce the risk of a moose collision:

-Be cautious in areas of reduced visibility, hills, curves, and dense vegetation.

-Use your high beams when possible (low beams for oncoming traffic)

-Keep your eyes on the road, scanning for wildlife. A passenger can do this too.

-If you have the choice, avoid driving the highway at higher-risk times: dusk and dawn.

“If you hit a moose, pull over safely (if possible) and activate your four-way hazard lights,” police said.

“Do not approach an injured animal and call police even if you're unsure of damage.”

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