Northern Ontario

How a transitional support program has helped a northern woman with dementia


Alzheimer Society to extend Sault pilot project The Alzheimer Society is looking for more than $20 million to extend some pilot projects in Ontario, including one in Sault Ste. Marie.

After years of his wife Mercedes struggling with Parkinson's and early- onset dementia, Alfred Aquilina told CTV News he knew that she needed to be in a long-term care home.

"This is probably the most onerous decision that you have to make," Aquilina said.

Alfred and Mercedes Aquilina Alfred and Mercedes Aquilina (Supplied)

However, a pilot program at the Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District Alzheimer Society made the move-in process a little easier he said.

Transitional support worker Jaimie Furkey got to know the couple before the move, spending time with Mercedes, which allowed Alfred time for respite or to work on paperwork involved in the move.

Alfred Aquilina and transitional support worker Alfred Aquilina and transitional support worker Jaimie Furkey, who helped him with the process of putting his wife with dementia into long-term care. Feb. 26/23 (Cory Nordstrom/CTV Northern Ontario)

Furkey said the whole process happens quickly, but those involved are grateful for the assistance.

"You just have to gain their trust and you really build friendships with them," she said.

"They become like part of your family and you just want to be with them and go along with them every step of the way."

Program participants are helped throughout the transition with visits scheduled up to six weeks afterward.

Terry Caporossi is the Executive Director for the Sault's Alzheimer Society.

He said the program, which started in 2021, is a huge success.

"We’ve seen the benefits of this program being able to support people living in the community and then going back into long-term care. And I think the benefit is if we can keep people in the community longer and then transition into long-term care, there’s a better quality of life," Caporossi said.

Sudbury, Manitoulin, Timmins, North Bay and Cochrane areas are also involved in the pilot project.

The northern regions all receive provincial funding to make the pilot permanent.

It's something the Ontario Alzheimer Society wants to be standard across the province and is seeking $22 million from the Ontario Ministry of Health to make that happen.

And its success has proof in Sault Ste. Marie, Caporossi said.

Out of the 156 participants in the Sault, he said not a single one required a hospital visit while being supported.

"That’s really what our goal is, to ensure people aren’t going into hospital, using an ALC (alternate level of care) bed," Caporossi said.

Aquilina said his wife is doing well these days, crediting the many programs run by the Alzheimer Society as a reason for that, even if the long-term care home isn't where either of them want her to be.

"She’s not happy to be there, but she’s happier than she would have been without that initial easing in and introduction," Aquilina said.