SUDBURY — There was an outpouring of support in downtown Sudbury on Sun Nov. 29, as families who have lost a loved one to opioid addictions came together to grieve.
“There’s a lot of emotions that come with it,” said Cassandra Ingham, who lost her boyfriend to an accidental overdose back in August. “A lot of anger, a lot of sadness and a lot of guilt.”
Ingham says while dealing with her loss, she decided to create a Facebook group called ‘Silent No More - Sudbury’s Overdose Epidemic.’
As a way to remember those who have passed away, she invited individuals in the group to gather at a new site downtown to show support for one another. Located at the intersection of Paris and Brady Streets, approximately 70 crosses have been installed, each one representing a life lost to an opioid overdose.
“It’s not only just to get the city’s attention but it’s a great way for people to be able to come together and support each other and to really know that they are not alone and we’re here for each other and that’s why we’re doing this today,” said Ingham. “I want to encourage loved ones, boyfriends, girlfriends, brothers, sisters to speak out and not be ashamed.”
Lynn Legault lost her 38-year-old son to an overdose at the end of September. She wants families to know that they are not alone, and that she is thankful for Myles Keaney’s family who created this memorial site, after losing their son and brother to an overdose in September.
“When I was driving here I was talking to my girlfriend and I said ‘I have more of an attachment here to a gravesite or the ashes.’ Isn’t that strange? I don’t know what it is. As soon as I saw his cross I started crying. It’s special,” said Legault.
Those sentiments were echoed by Bonnie Card, who lost her brother to an overdose.
“I lost my brother two years ago and to have a place to be able to grieve with others who have also been through the same thing as me, is amazing. It warms my heart,” said Card.
There are already requests for an additional 30 crosses, which would bring the total at the site to 100.