
Concerns about future of Vaudreuil-Hudson Exo line after REM opens in West Island


Concern for future of Vaudreuil-Hudson train line Exo says once the REM opens in the West Island, the Vaudreuil-Hudson train line will see a 15-20 per cent decrease in ridership.

The head of Montreal’s commuter train operator, Exo, says once the REM begins running in the West Island, the Vaudreuil-Hudson train line will see a 15-20 per cent decrease in ridership.

"Some of them will switch for the REM," said Sylvain Yelle, Exo's general manager. "It will make more options for the users of the west of Montreal."

The Vaudreuil-Hudson line serves several West Island communities and off-island suburbs. Exo says, for now, there are no plans to decrease service.

"Especially for the Vaudreuil-Hudson line, it's the most popular line. It will still run and it will still respond to the needs of people who live in the West Island," Yelle said.

It’s little comfort for public transport advocates with Trajectoire Quebec who worry a decrease in ridership will mean less funding and a cut in service.

"The REM is only weakening the power of attraction of those train lines. It's a danger that service will be cut and it will jeopardize the whole network," said François Pepin, an administrator from Trajectoire Quebec.

Pointe-Claire Mayor Tim Thomas is also concerned because the REM runs along Highway 40 in his community, but many of his residents live near Highway 20.

"It takes 25 minutes to get to the REM from my house. I live in Pointe-Claire south, there's no way I'm going to use the REM. It's just too far," Thomas said.

Exo says the commuter train still has some things going for it. Additional parking spots makes it an attractive offer.

"I think it's a huge error not to have the parking at the REM, especially for Pointe-Claire," Thomas said. "I think that's a real advantage to the Exo lines."