On Sept. 21, 2019, a team of police officers, firefighters, paramedics and guest riders will pedal more than 1,000 kilometres down the length of Vancouver Island.

The epic journey will take two weeks to complete and dozens of stops will be made along the way.

While the scenic vistas of Vancouver Island would be worth the ride alone, this trek has a unique purpose: to help eradicate childhood cancer and send families who have been touched by the disease to Camp Good Times.

This year, CTV Vancouver Island Assignment Editor and Journalist Scott Cunningham will ride and raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cops for Cancer Tour De Rock.

Each rider is paired with a junior rider who has been touched in some way by the horrible ailment. 

Watch the video above to meet Scott’s junior rider, Rafael, and the Fuentes family.

For more on this year's Tour De Rock, visit our dedicated website.