The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) of Middlesex-Elgin said demand for its services is on the rise.
The non-profit organization hosted an open house at Elgin Centre in St. Thomas, Ont. on Thursday. It’s hoping to recruit new volunteers to its many programs, and hoping to hire new employees who enjoy working with people.
Program Coordinator Ellen Cannon told CTV News London they’re getting busier in the St. Thomas area as the community continues to grow.
“Especially during COVID,” explained Cannon. “We found that we have a lot of people reaching out to us that might not have families, or have that advocate in their family or in their social group. So we really supported the community during those times, and I find as times go on and all the challenges with the health system, that people do come to us. So it’s important that they know who we are.”
The open house showcased job opportunities and volunteer positions. It also featured exercise classes and a blood pressure clinic to show examples of the services they provide.