
First in Canada: Researchers in London, Ont. treat cancer patient with innovative therapy


Innovative cancer treatment at LHSC A team at London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute is the first in Canada to treat a neuroendocrine tumours cancer patient.

A team at London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute (LHSCRI) is the first in Canada to treat a neuroendocrine tumours cancer patient using an innovative treatment.

The treatment is a type of therapy called theranostics, which combines advanced diagnostic imaging technologies and radioisotopes to precisely locate tumours and then eradicate them by releasing radioactive energy.

“Introducing a new treatment option to patients is a big win in the fight against cancer,” said Dr. David Laidley, researcher at LHSCRI and nuclear oncologist at LHSC. “While the study is still in its early phase and requires more assessment, we’re seeing patients tolerate the therapy well with little to no side effects and we are hopeful this treatment may extend patients’ quality of life and life expectancy.”

The treatment is being offered as part of an international clinical trial, with LHSC being one of only three centres in Canada where patients are participating.

While the team is studying the treatment for neuroendocrine tumours, the LHSCRI also said it sees potential for using this form of therapy to treat other cancers like prostate cancer, breast cancer and lymphoma.

There are currently five patients from across Ontario participating in this trial at LHSCRI and more are being recruited.

The study is estimated to be complete in 2026.