It’s panic time at the United Way of Bruce-Grey. Donations are down, and program cuts could be on the table for next year.
“People who could donate $100 last year, are only donating $50 [this year]. Those that could donate $50, are donating $25. And the most extreme is where they go from donors to clients, and they’re going to food banks, accessing our utility program, and getting back packs for the kids,” said United Way of Bruce-Grey Executive Director Francesca Dobbyn.
On their annual backpack program alone, which saw 400 more families ask for backpacks than last year, the United Way of Bruce-Grey is facing a $40,000 shortfall.
That’s led to staff cuts.
“We made the hard decision to let go of an administrative staff to try and stem the tide, so to speak. These are tough choices, and it’s also more work for remaining staff,” said Dobbyn.
The United Way of Bruce-Grey isn’t the only charity dealing with increased demand and declining donations.
The North Huron Food Share has seen monthly food demand double, and average food costs reach $17,000 a month.
“Ten years ago, when I started at the Food Share, it was maybe around $5,000 on a big month. And I know we’ve gone all the way up to $20,000 in one of our big months this year. So, we certainly are seeing that to supply food to more people, on top of the cost of food, it’s harder and harder for us to keep up,” said North Huron Food Share Operations Organizer Roxane Nicholson.
Both Nicholson and Dobbyn say, as generous as their communities are, they simply need more donations of food and money to keep up with the doubling of demand for their services.
If not, more people will go hungry, and homeless.
“More and more charities are being asked to bridge the gap between what people can afford to pay for and what their basic needs are. And we’re just not getting the donations to help bridge that gap,” said Dobbyn.