
Two schools and a daycare put in hold and secure after possible gunfire reported in Brantford


Two schools and a daycare in Brantford, Ont., were put in hold and secure protocols Tuesday after police received a report about what sounded like gunfire.

In a social media post, Brantford Police Service said a call came in from the Brantwood Park Road area around 4 p.m.

The schools and a daycare were put into hold and secure for about an hour as a precautionary measure.

In an email to CTV News, a Brantford Police Service spokesperson said officers searched the area and spoke with residents, but couldn’t find any evidence of gunfire. Police said there was no threat.

The hold and secure was lifted and the incident has been resolved.

“We understand that incidents such as this can be concerning, and would like to thank those who were impacted by today’s events for their patience and understanding,” the social media post from police reads.