A furry, four-legged shopper was spotted in the aisles of a Giant Tiger store in Stratford, Ont. on Sunday morning.
“He spent a few minutes walking around my lady’s department,” store owner Scott Savage told CTV News.
“He” is Lewis, a five-year-old and 140-pound mastiff-husky mix.
The dog found his way inside the Huron Street store after jumping over his backyard fence. Lewis’ owners said the recent snow the city received acted as a stepping stool, giving the pup the help he needed to clear the fence.
Lewis is extremely friendly, so he easily made friends during his unplanned shopping spree.
“He met a customer at the cash that had a couple treats in her pocket and kind of snuggled up to her a bit,” Savage said. “We had Lewis in the back room, away from the customers and whatever else, and he was lying down on the ground letting everybody rub his belly.”

Shoppers with tails, especially those on their own, aren’t typically allowed in the store. So, the search began for the dog’s owner.
“When they checked Lewis over, they found the tag on the dog and were able to call the number,” Savage recounted.
At first, no one answered.
Then Lewis’ owner called back and rushed over to get the pup.
“She was pretty overjoyed that he was inside safe,” Savage said.
Staff at the store, meanwhile, will likely never forget their surprise shopper.
“If you watch the camera, he looks like he just walked all the way around the store and came in and [is] just a happy guy,” Savage said with a smile.