OAK BAY, B.C. -- Austin and I meet next to a small beach. It's one of those rare moments that he finds himself on dry land. "I've been kayaking most of my life," Austin explains, before showing me video of him surfing in his kayak.
"It's pretty addicting," he says. "It's the most fun you can have in a kayak!"
When he's not riding with the waves, Austin says he's paddling against them. "You launch through the waves or overtop the waves," he explains, before smiling. "And land on the other side, hopefully upright."
Austin also shows me video of a wave flipping him over. While the bubbles form around the lens of the GoPro camera, Austin says he recently met a creature who lives under the sea – a little seal.
"The babies do get curious at times," he says. "[They] come on over and see what kayaking's all about."
But then Austin shows me a video that features a seal who's more than just curious. The baby proves to be a salt water thrill seeker too.
"He kind of jumped up and put his paws on the front of the kayak," Austin explains. "[Then] he went back in, got some speed, and launched himself right up on the back of my boat!"
The video shows a the little seal sitting there, seemingly content to just hang out with this human. "It was enjoying being out of the water," Austin says, showing the multiple angles and close-ups he got o fthe baby. "Enjoying the sun on our boats and what not."
Although Austin says he's seen countless seals during personal treks, and professional ones as a guide with his Kelp Reef Adventure company, this was a first. "It was amazing!"
After almost 25 minutes of sitting on his kayak, the seal slid-off and Austin moved on. "We paddled around another Island and he came back within a few minutes," Austin says. "Came up on the front of the boat, the same fashion he did before."
The seal only stayed a couple minutes this time, before saying a final goodbye. As Austin paddled home, he realized he was buzzing almost bigger that surfing. "My heart was just pumping!"
And perhaps the seal's was too, as he raced home to tell his friends about his adventures with the human above the water.