
Concern over 'interim' parking plan around Rogers Place


Site of the proposed rezoning for interim parking around Rogers Place

The Katz Group is attempting to secure a rezoning request that would provide thousands of additional surface parking spots in anticipation of the opening of Rogers Place this fall.

The request was put forward to the Central McDougall Community League. The proposal would see a large area north of Rogers Place temporarily rezoned.

City councillor Scott McKeen is against the proposed rezoning that could last up to 10 years, calling the proposal unnecessary.

“Surface parking lots are dead zones, and we have a lot of them downtown already. To add another one seems like a very dubious proposal,” McKeen said. “The cap was 18,000 parking spots within a walking distance of the new Rogers Place.”

The Katz Group issued a statement on the matter:

“In response to the land zoning change proposal, ICE District’s proposed use is temporary. We are currently working on a preliminary master plan and will commit to a plan by Q1 2017.

We have had several meetings with the Central McDougall Community League and there have been no objections,” they write.

The proposal will be debated by city council if the Katz Group continues with the process.

“It’ll come to council for a rezoning if they keep on with this process, and then council will have to make the decision to rezone the land to allow for surface parking,” McKeen said.

A public meeting for residents to discuss the rezoning issue will be held on Monday evening at the Edmonton Chinese Baptist Church.