Climate change is upon us, with reports highlighting the dramatic need to limit carbon emissions in order to reduce devastation to ecosystems and humans.
Studies and warnings from scientists often point to a collective need for change among industries, governments and regular citizens.
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While some may feel overwhelmed, or like there's nothing they can do to make an impact, experts suggest otherwise.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says if individuals chose lower-carbon transportation alternatives like biking, walking or public transit, it could divert two tonnes of carbon dioxide yearly per person. This is equivalent to 4.1 barrels of oil consumed.
Considering how much of an impact one person can make, we want to know how you are trying to tackle the climate crisis. Writer Natasha O'Neill would like to hear your stories on how climate change has affected you and what steps you are taking to be more sustainable.
Have you recently incorporated any green ideas into your daily life? What steps are you taking to reduce your carbon footprint when it comes to transportation? Are you limiting your use of plastic? Have you launched larger initiatives to encourage others to take action, too?
Share your story by emailing with your name, general location and phone number in case we want to follow up. Your comments may be used in a story.