
NB Power to prolong life of Mactaquac hydroelectric dam


CTV Atlantic: N.B. prolonging Mactaquac Dam NB Power is recommending a project that will maintain the Mactaquac dam so it meets its intended lifespan. CTV's Laura Brown reports.

FREDERICTON -- New Brunswick's electric utility has decided to prolong the life of the Mactaquac hydroelectric generating station.

NB Power says the 670-megawatt dam on the St. John River will remain in use until 2068, at which point the facility will be 100 years old.

The utility had considered decommissioning the dam by 2030 because of failing concrete.

However, the chairman of NB Power's board of directors, Ed Barrett, says extending the life of the dam makes good business sense.

The project is expected to cost up to $3.6 billion.

The New Brunswick Salmon Council had called for the removal of the dam, while area residents say its man-made headpond helps tourism.