Officials at a Calgary mental health facility are looking for donations to help protect the city's most vulnerable amid the ongoing heat wave.
Wood's Homes, a mental health centre for youth, says its supply of bottled water was used up during recent indoor water restrictions, and now it’s desperate for supplies.
The non-profit’s Inglewood Opportunity Hubis looking for donations of bottled water – and several other items – to help create cooling kits.
"When a young person is living inner city without shelter, the heat is literally unbearable," said Bjorn Johansson, CEO of Wood’s Homes, in a Wednesday news release.
"Access to a simple cooling kit can provide the essentials that make a person experiencing homelessness’ horrible day into a tolerable one."
Cooling kits are bags filled with essential items that can help someone on a hot summer day, like water and sunscreen.
Calgarians are encouraged to either make their own cooling kits and donate them, or donate the needed items, including:
- Bottled water;
- Gatorade or juice boxes;
- Sun protection, like hats, sun visors, sunscreen and light shirt ;
- Hygiene products like wet wipes, deodorant and lip balm;
- Seasonal foot protection like sandals and flip-flops;
- Granola bars and fruit snacks;
- Reusable water bottles; and
- Durable bags and backpacks.
Donations can be dropped off at Wood's Homes' Inglewood location (1008 14 St. S.E.) and Parkdale location (805 37 St. N.W.)