
Lethbridge residents asked to show some love to downtown businesses during holidays


The Christmas tree was lit in downtown Lethbridge early Thursday evening.

A new citywide campaign is hoping to encourage residents to shop, eat and explore local this holiday season.

The “Snow Much Love” campaign is being put on by Tourism Lethbridge, the downtown BRZ and the Chamber of Commerce to inspire the community to visit local businesses and attractions when out and about this holiday season.

The campaign aims to drive foot traffic to local storefronts, and celebrates the array of small businesses that make Lethbridge unique.

Those involved say there will also be giveaways throughout the season to drum up support.

“Participating businesses will have a poster with a QR code,” said Downtown BRZ executive director Sarah Aimies. “Folks go into businesses, visit, scan the QR code, enter to win some amazing prizes, the grand prize is a $500 shopping spree basically in the downtown.”

The BRZ said local businesses are the backbone of the community and are encouraging residents to shop local this Christmas.

Local sign, Lethbridge Nov.21, 2024 Lethbridge holiday shoppers are being encouraged to shop local to help support small business owners.

Tree lighting and Moonlight Madness

That campaign, along with a range of other activities were celebrated Thursday night as the Downtown BRZ kicks off the holiday season with a Christmas tree lighting and its Moonlight Madness.

Festivities got underway at 5 p.m.. at Festival Square.

Along with the lighting of the 18-foot-tree, there was live music, pictures with Santa, horse-drawn wagon rides and kids’ activities.

All events were free, but the BRZ collected non-perishable food items for Lethbridge’s food banks.

Outside Festival Square, 30 downtown businesses took part in Moonlight Madness, with stores staying open until 3 o’clock to encourage shopping local this holiday season.