
Lethbridge College holds second annual wind summit


Wind Summit gives the soon-to-be graduates the chance to meet, and hopefully get jobs, with some of the biggest players in renewable wind energy.

LETHBRIDGE, Alta. — Lethbridge College opened their doors to the public for Wind Summit 2023 today.

After eight months of training and schooling, the college’s wind turbine technician students were put to a different test today.

Wind Summit gives the soon-to-be graduates the chance to meet, and hopefully land jobs, with some of the biggest players in renewable wind energy.

"The students are excited," said Kelly Norgard, one of the program instructors.

"They've already been talking with a lot of companies already as far as hiring. The industry is booming right now, there's not enough people available for all the work that's out there."

This is the second year of the event.

Last year saw almost the entire graduating classes get jobs at or through the summit.

"Right now, Alberta is in a boom with wind the last three years and a predicted five years more of construction for sure," added Norgard.

"As you can see, with all the companies here, they're all eager to try and claim a graduating student."


Close to 15 vendors were there to speak with the prospective employees. Company reps say the event is a big deal due to the incredible training the students get through Lethbridge College.

"Lethbridge College is putting out some great students," said Joshua Kelly, the general in-store manager for Borea Construction.

"It's a great training facility, great training programs so it's a good opportunity for us to come in here and take advantage of this facility."

Fourteen students are graduating from the college's wind turbine technician Program this spring after just starting this past fall.

They say it's been tough to get where they are now, but look forward to what the wind turbine industry will hold for them.

"Some weeks you'll have three exams and two papers so it's been difficult but it's a small class so you get to know your profs and you get to know everyone in your class and it's a lot of fun," said Seth Dubois, a member of the 2023 graduating class.

"I've been going around and there's a lot of interest," added Phil Walther who will also be graduating this April.

"I still need to talk to quite a few people but yeah, it's a great industry to get into right now. We're all going to have jobs by the end of this, so it's always good."


Intake for next year's program starts in September and seats are still available for anyone hoping to get into the ever expanding renewable wind energy industry.

For more information, or to apply for the Wind Turbine Technician Program, you can visit Lethbridge College’s website.