
Gathering attention, dollars for elder abuse response


Students from Lethbridge Polytechnic have been helping to raise awareness—and money as well—for the LCSO's Lethbridge Elder Abuse Response Network.

Students from Lethbridge Polytechnic have been helping to raise awareness—and money as well—for the Lethbridge Elder Abuse Response Network (LEARN).

Student from the therapeutic recreation in gerontology program spent the month of February hosting a range of activities and events to raise money toward LEARN.

Gathering attention, dollars for elder abuse response Students from Lethbridge Polytechnic have been helping to raise awareness—and money as well—for the LCSO's Lethbridge Elder Abuse Response Network.

On Tuesday, the students presented a cheque for nearly $1,000 to help the organization.

Overseen by the Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO), the network is a co-ordinated community response made up of senior-serving agencies that work to provide education, awareness and advocacy to community members about elder abuse.

The fundraising initiative is an annual event for the students.