Some 200 athletes and 30 teams from six countries have converged on the MNP Community and Sport Centre in Calgary for the World Dodgeball Federation’s World Youth Open.
Leah Burwell, 13, plays for the U15 Foothills Falcons. She says Dodgeball is exciting and she’s glad she got into the sport.
“My parents thought it was a good idea and then my friends brought me into it,” she said. “They needed more people so I just joined.”
Only Alberta team
The Falcons are the only Alberta team competing in the World Youth Open.
Ethan Navette, 13, says he only started playing the game a couple of months ago, but is excited for the opportunity to compete.
“My friends decided to try and get me into this,” he said. “I heard we were playing internationally, so I decided to join.”
‘There’s nerves’
The Falcons are a fairly new team.
Head coach Chris Berry says they’re here to have fun and to learn.
“I’m sure there’s nerves, but they’re really hyped up for it too,” he said. “It’s a great opportunity to play other kids from around the world.”
Duane Wysynski, president of the World Dodgeball Federation, says he’d love to see more youth get involved in the sport.

“We’re really hoping kids here are going back home and they’re going to talk about how much fun it is,” he said. “They’re going go to their parents and say, ‘We want to keep doing this’ – and hopefully get their friends involved.”
Teams are in Calgary from Britain, Italy, Mexico, the United States, Hong Kong and Canada.
The World Youth Open runs until Saturday.