Dozens of kids will have the chance to learn to ride a bike or hone their cycling skills thanks to a donation to Wood’s Homes on Wednesday.
Alberta Bike Swap Ltd. donated 50 road-ready bikes for children who receive care through Wood's Homes programs, including live-in campus care, foster care and group homes.
"It took a village to get these bikes to Wood’s Homes," said Laura Grant, who runs Alberta Bike Swap events across the province with her husband Chris Grant.
"They’ve been prepared with love and care," said Chris.
Hilary Fraser from Wood’s Homes says the response from one of her co-workers was unforgettable.
"Her eyes lit up and she said, 'Bikes are so good for kids' mental health, maybe a ride on a bike means just one less counselling session that will be needed,'" Fraser said.
Alberta Bike Swap gathered donations during a May 4 event in Calgary, and then – with the help of volunteers – fixed up the bikes.
"They are a mix of new and old parts, made legal by including front and rear reflectors and bells," said Chris.
"Volunteers who know bikes helped with the repairs and conducted safety checks to ensure they’re ready to ride."
Members of the Chinook Kiwanis Club helped with the restoration, and also donated helmets to ensure recipients had everything they needed to begin using the bikes right away.