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Springwater CAO steps down, heads to Barrie amid boundary dispute talks


Springwater CAO takes position in Barrie Springwater Township's CAO, Jeff Schmidt, resigned and took a position with the City of Barrie.

As negotiations over a potential boundary dispute between the City of Barrie and its neighbouring municipalities gear up for 2025, a major development has shifted the political landscape.

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Jeff Schmidt, Springwater Township’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), handed in his resignation for a new role with the city looking to expand into Springwater’s borders.

Schmidt has been a leading voice for residents in Springwater, and now as he flips for a new position with the opposing side, his resignation is leaving the township in a bit of a lurch.

On Friday, Springwater council held a special session to address the sudden departure. The meeting revealed sharp divisions among council members over how to move forward.

Mayor Jennifer Coughlin opened the meeting by calling it untimely and unfounded, emphasizing the township is well-positioned to address Schmidt’s resignation after the holiday break.

However, other council members expressed a sense of urgency.

Deputy Mayor George Cabral was among those pushing for immediate action, noting the timing of Schmidt’s exit, given his role in boundary negotiations, warranted quick attention.

“When something like this happens, I think you have to address it quickly,” Cabral said. “Unfortunately, circumstances dictated that we were in a shutdown situation. We did have to call on some senior staff to come in and assist us with the meeting. But at the same time, our staff are really good at stepping up to the plate when they have to.”

Springwater council is expected to meet again on Thursday when more details about Schmidt’s resignation and its implications could emerge.

Schmidt is set to begin his new role as Barrie’s general manager of community and corporate services in February.

Springwater’s mayor did not respond to a request for comment by the time of this article’s publication.