
School bus cancellations


Heavy snowfall is forcing schools across central Ontario to cancel bus services. (CTV News file)

Rapidly falling temperatures turning rain and puddles to ice, coupled with blowing snow has forced the hands of several school boards in our area.

Environment Canada has issued to early alerts indicating much of southern Ontario can expect rapidly changing and dangerous conditions driving today.

To that end, these consortiums and school boards have cancelled buses:

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  • The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium has cancelled all school buses and vans to all regions.
  • Trillium Lakelands District School board has cancelled all school buses/vans. It has also closed several schools outright including Monsignor Michael O’Leary, St. Dominic and Saint Mary.
  • The Shared School Services Transportation has cancelled buses across the region, including Meaford, Thornbury, Owen Sound, Markdale and Flesherton.