
Preparing for Barrie’s new waste cart collection program: How to swap cart sizes


New waste carts are on display at City Hall in Barrie, Ont. (City of Barrie)

Property owners in Barrie are now able to decide if they want to swap out the large garbage cart they will receive this summer for a smaller one ahead of the new waste collection program starting in the fall.

The City will allow residents to switch the 240-litre garbage cart for a 120-litre cart until March 31 free of charge.

Garbage and organics carts will be on display at City facilities until the end of March:

  • City Hall (Service Barrie, 1st floor), 70 Collier Street
  • Allandale Recreation Centre, 190 Bayview Drive
  • East Bayfield Community Centre, 80 Livingstone Street East 
  • Peggy Hill Team Community Centre, 171 Mapleton Avenue 
  • Parkview Centre, 189 Blake Street
  • Barrie Public Library Downtown Branch, 60 Worsley Street
  • Barrie Public Library Painswick Branch, 48 Dean Avenue
  • Barrie Landfill and Environmental Centre, 272 Ferndale Drive North

Residents who don’t request a change to their carts will automatically receive one 240-litre garbage cart and one 120-litre organics cart.

After delivery, residents who change their mind can swap out the carts for a different size starting October 25 at a cost of $50.

The carts will be delivered between June and August with a more detailed delivery schedule available in the spring.

Recycling will continue to be collected in the current grey and blue boxes.

The new cart collection program starts Sept. 8.