Property owners in Barrie are now able to decide if they want to swap out the large garbage cart they will receive this summer for a smaller one ahead of the new waste collection program starting in the fall.
The City will allow residents to switch the 240-litre garbage cart for a 120-litre cart until March 31 free of charge.
Garbage and organics carts will be on display at City facilities until the end of March:
- City Hall (Service Barrie, 1st floor), 70 Collier Street
- Allandale Recreation Centre, 190 Bayview Drive
- East Bayfield Community Centre, 80 Livingstone Street East
- Peggy Hill Team Community Centre, 171 Mapleton Avenue
- Parkview Centre, 189 Blake Street
- Barrie Public Library Downtown Branch, 60 Worsley Street
- Barrie Public Library Painswick Branch, 48 Dean Avenue
- Barrie Landfill and Environmental Centre, 272 Ferndale Drive North
Residents who don’t request a change to their carts will automatically receive one 240-litre garbage cart and one 120-litre organics cart.
After delivery, residents who change their mind can swap out the carts for a different size starting October 25 at a cost of $50.
The carts will be delivered between June and August with a more detailed delivery schedule available in the spring.
Recycling will continue to be collected in the current grey and blue boxes.
The new cart collection program starts Sept. 8.