Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) said city compliance staff removed tents from the Halifax Common Thursday morning.
There were four tents at the site as of 9 a.m., said a Thursday news release. Compliance staff visited each tent and confirmed they were empty and started cleaning the area as part of HRM’s civilian-led approach to relocating encampments.
People experiencing homelessness were sheltering at the site, which is not a designated location, for several months, said the release. The municipality issued notices to vacate to approximately 8 people on March 3 and gave them until March 16 to relocate.
The municipality said it directed people sheltering on the commons to available spots in multiple indoor shelters, temporary housing and designated outdoor locations in Halifax and Dartmouth. Housing and homelessness coordinators visited the site multiple times to offer support and resources including transportation to other sites, said the release.
Municipal staff determined there were 30 tents and five trailers in designated locations on Friday.
More information on shelter support and available housing options can be found on the provincial website. Ongoing efforts by HRM to address homelessness are available on the city’s website.
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