Nova Scotia

More than 200 child-care spaces opening in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, South Shore


The province of Nova Scotia says it is spending $5.3 million toward more than 200 new child-care spaces.

Three child-care operators in the Annapolis Valley and South Shore regions will receive the funding.

  • Dare to Dream in New Minas will get 78 new spaces
  • Coldbrook YMCA in Coldbrook will get 62 new spaces
  • Small World Learning Centre in Bridgewater will get 86 new spaces

The Small World Learning Centre is a second location for an existing operator. It is expected to open next year.

It’s expected the new Dare to Dream and Coldbrook YMCA centres will open in the fall.

“We have seen first-hand the positive impact of affordable, high-quality licensed child care and believe all children and families across Nova Scotia should have what they need to achieve their best start and thrive,” said Yvonne Smith, the CEO of YMCA of Southwest Nova Scotia, in a provincial news release.

The province has also announced it is increasing funding under the Early Learning and Child Care Minor Infrastructure Program to $1 million per-project to help make more child-care spaces.

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