The Scene

Gordie Sampson’s daughter follows his songwriting footsteps with new single


Maritime musician Amelie Sampson has released her debut single.

For one musical family, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Amelie Sampson, 21, is releasing her debut single this Friday as she follows in the footsteps of her father, Cape Breton musician Gordie Sampson.

“When I was four years old, five years old, watching him get his Grammy, I remember being in the hotel with my mom watching it being televised,” Amelie told CTV News Atlantic’s Katie Kelly. “I remember I was like, ‘That will be me one day, that would be such a dream.’”

“She would have grown up knowing nothing else that just pure songwriter music craziness,” Gordie said.

Amelie was raised in Nashville but spent her summers in Cape Breton.

“I feel like I became a much better musician from coming home and even playing with my grandma at her house and just jamming. There really is the most talented people in Nova Scotia. It’s such a special place for musicians.”

Amelie practiced songwriting and performance with her father and now she’s ready to get her music out in the world.

“When I was afraid…to say an idea in a co-write, he goes, ‘You need to just, like, cut that you just need to dare to suck,’” she said. “It could be great. Sometimes it sucks, but you just got to take that chance.”

Amelie’s new single is called “Houdini,” which is a title that came to her in a dream.

“In Nashville, we write from the title, usually, or an idea,” she said. “And I said, ‘Guys, I really want to write a song called ‘Houdini’ and have it be this, like, over-romanticized idea of what it’s like to be ghosted from someone that just pops into your life and leaves.”

“Oh, I’m really excited,” Gordie said. “Honestly, if I remove the fact that she’s my daughter out of the entire equation, I just love the song.”

Musician Amelie Sampson is pictured.
Amelie Sampson Musician Amelie Sampson is releasing her debut single "Houdini." (Source: Facebook/Amelie Sampson)

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