
With the cost of fuel and groceries, some Maritime non-profits are running on empty


Produce vegetables are displayed for sale at a grocery store in Aylmer, Que., on Thursday, May 26, 2022. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)

SYDNEY — A community pantry near Wentworth Park in Sydney, N.S., is one of several throughout the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM).

They're stocked with various food items for people in need, but keeping them full lately has been a challenge.

“I think a lot of people who used to come and donate to the cupboard are not able to anymore,” said Jodi McDavid, executive director of Cape Breton Transition House. “I think financially, they're feeling the squeeze.”

She says non-profit organizations are also finding it tough; at times they are only able to provide grocery gift cards.

“$25 in a grocery store does not get you very far right now and so all of these non-profits haven't been funded to meet the demand and we can't keep up with the demand for things like that,” said McDavid.

Canada is experiencing a rate of inflation not seen since 1983.

The cost of food in this country was up by 9.7 per cent in April and May, while the cost of shelter was up by 7.4 per cent, according to Statistics Canada.

“We certainly had measures in our budget that were increasing the Nova Scotia child benefit, the seniors care grants that were new,” said Allan MacMaster, Nova Scotia’s finance minister.

When asked Thursday if there was more help on the way, MacMaster said it's something all levels of government have been discussing.

“We just introduced the more opportunities for skilled trades, that's an incentive for young people to stay in the province. We need them,” said MacMaster.

At the federal level, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic Leblanc says Ottawa has increased old age security and cut child care costs in half.

“We've accelerated to help them with high cost of housing, so we have done a lot and we're open to doing more,” said Leblanc.

But many feel more will be needed if prices continue to rise.