It is a smoky situation over Atlantic Canada, as a blanket of thick smoke has covered the entire region.
“Initially, I thought it was cloudy,” said Matthew Chesterton who arrived in Halifax on a cruise ship. Chesterton’s home state of Minnesota has dealt with dangerous smoke for the past several months.
“I have friends who have asthma, who stayed inside for the period of time, about a week and a half,” said Matthew.
So how did all of this smoke get here in the first place?
“This wildfire smoke, originates in western parts of the country,” said CTV meteorologist Kalin Mitchell, who added the smoke was at a height that allowed it to be carried along by mid-to-high winds. “So it is that pattern, in those high-level winds that are moving that smoke off towards the east.”
The situation is so bad in Newfoundland and Labrador, that the provincial government posted tips on how to handle poor air quality.
- limit outdoor activity
- wear a well fitted mask
- close doors and windows
- recirculate and clean indoor air if possible
- drink lots of water
- monitor your breathing
Pharmacist Greg Richard is keeping a watchful eye on air quality and allergy concerns.
“When there are things in the environment, like smoke it is going to exacerbate those symptoms,” said Richard, who added he is not hesitant to recommend immediate medical attention for people who come to his pharmacy.
He also has over-the-counter remedies.
“Cough suppressants and assess situation to determine if it is viral or environmental,” said Richard.
As for when the smoke will clear, and the sky will return to a true blue?
“It does look like it is going to linger into Friday,” said Mitchell.
Which means the smoke and haze, will likely hang around for another one or two days.