The month of June is National Indigenous History Month, which recognizes the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across Canada.
Jarvis Googoo is a Mi'kmaw educator in Nova Scotia. He's been using his knowledge to share informative, enlightening and fun facts on his Twitter account each day this month in hopes it will help better educate people about Indigenous history.
Googoo grew in We'koqma'q, Unama'kik (Cape Breton) -- traditional Mi'kmaq territory.
He started his work promoting his heritage online in October 2016 during Nova Scotia's Mi'kmaq History Month.
"Then, for a while, I didn't really update too much in the months of October and June, and then late May of last year or early June, we saw the tragic news of what was confirmed in Kamloops at the site of the old school there and there was a lot of push. It seemed like people wanted to learn," said Googoo, referring to the discovery of unmarked graves at the site of what was once Canada’s largest residential school.
"People started to talk more about reconciliation again, and I said, 'You know what. Let's teach people about our history.'"
That's when Googoo decided to refer back to his notes he had saved over the years and began republishing them online.
"The following just took off. People wanted to learn, so I used that as a great opportunity, a great venue, to say, OK, for Mi'kma'ki, let’s learn history about the Mi'kmaq people and the followings just really took off."
Googoo has also spent time in the community offering education sessions.
On Wednesday, he met with a group of Brownies in Kjipuktuk (Halifax) to talk about Mi'kmaq history and culture.
"It was a lot of fun... It was basically helping to teach them some bits about Mi'kmaq history," he said.
Googoo plans to continue his educational tweets every day during the month of June.