At his childhood home in Hammonds Plains, N.S., Mike Robinson first saw a ventriloquist on TV.
“My father explained to me that the gentleman was throwing his voice,” says Robinson. “That sort of triggered something. I thought that it was a fascinating, you know, term.”
At about seven years old, a neighbour taught Robinson his first card trick.
A few years later, he picked up a puppet, and started performing ventriloquism -- eventually appearing in Las Vegas and on cruise ships around the world.
“Ventriloquism is basically the art of speaking from your stomach,” says Robinson. “It’s a very guttural voice, and it’s very difficult to distinguish where that voice actually comes from.”
In the 1960s, comedians started using ventriloquism in their acts, says Robinson.
He says many people are fascinated by his puppets, including his, Terence.
“I think people just find it interesting,” He said. “It’s almost like a regression into childhood for adults.”
But sometimes, the charm wears off.
After a show in Amherst, N.S., a drunken heckler walked up to Robinson as he loaded gear into his car.
“I don’t have a problem with you, but that guy,” the heckler said, pointing to Terence.
"I guess he took it personally," says Robinson.
Robinson and Terence are performing at the Great Village Arts and Entertainment Centre, Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online.