HALIFAX — For the first time in nearly two years, the Halifax Wanderers were back on home turf Monday and excited fans braved heavy rain to take in the action.
It was the first large scale event in the city since the pandemic started, but more are on the way.
On Thursday, the ScotiaBank Centre announced the biggest live music event to hit Halifax in almost two years.
"We're really excited to announce the SuperNova Celebration which will happen on October 1. An amazing lineup of local artists including Classified, The Trews, Matt Anderson, Ria Mae and Ricky and Julian from The Trailer Park Boys," said Erin Esiyok-Prime, manager of marketing and communications for the ScotiaBank Centre.
Nova Scotia is currently in the fourth of a five-phase reopening plan. To get to the final phase, at least 75 percent of the province's population needs to be fully vaccinated.
"If everyone who is currently booked for a second dose takes their vaccine, we will have about 76 per cent of the population vaccinated," said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health. "But the challenge we have is that many of these appointments people have stretch into the fall."
Strang said whether Nova Scotia has restrictions or not in September is fully in the hands of the Nova Scotians who have an appointment for a vaccine booked but have not moved it up to August.
"There is enough vaccine in the province to immunize all eligible Nova Scotians now," said Strang. "To reach our goal we need around 35,000 people to get their second shot in August."
Cathy Hope, the owner of Lady Luck Boutique, is looking forward to less restrictions.
"As a business owner, the fewer restrictions the better things are for my business as a member of the community though and someone who cares about her customers and her family and her friends I am hoping that aren't lifted too quickly or too suddenly. I think it's really important that we continue to be slow and steady the way that we have been but would it also be great to have some clarity around what Phase 5 will actually look like," she said.
As for soccer fans, if you missed Monday's game, the Wanderers return on Saturday when they host York United.