SYDNEY, N.S. — In May 2015, Dale Sutherland and Bob Martin were honoured for the work they have done as advocates for survivors of sexual abuse.
Both men have spoken out about the abuse they experienced as children by a convicted sex offender.
"It brought back a lot of emotions and people knowing and not helping him. That's exactly to a tee what I went through," says Sutherland.
Since speaking out publicly, 31-year-old Kyle Beach says he's received overwhelming support and released a statement Friday: "I have immense gratitude for the outpouring of endless love and support that has come through within the past 48 hours ... It is a reminder that this is not about me as an individual ... This is to promote open communication that will facilitate change for the future."
Dale Sutherland says it was difficult to put his own face and name out there, but he did it to try and help others.
"I know myself and Bob, one of the other victims that went through the trial process, we had more than 100 people come forward to us about being molested," says Sutherland.
Kyle Beach made headlines when he revealed his identity and spoke exclusively to TSN.
"I carried this for 10 or 11 years and it has destroyed me," says Beach.
Sutherland says Beach's message shines new light on subject so many still don't understand.
"When they see it's a real person, that's the key. I think that's what Kyle understood. He didn't want to be known as John Doe or whatever. I was known in public records as DRS, that's what they called me for years," said Sutherland.
Sheldon Kennedy made headlines across the globe 25 years ago. Today, he says there is still work that needs to be done to protect victims in hockey.
"I think the big thing is 'what's next?' I've been in contact with Kyle and I'm really proud of him. I'm proud of him for taking that step on his healing journey," said Kennedy.
As Beach continues to fight in court, Sutherland says it's a shame it took so long for people in the know to come forward.
"It angered me to find out all of these guys kept that secret. You can talk about the Stanley Cup, the hell with the Stanley Cup, the hell with their money. That was horrible," says Sutherland.
For now, Dale Sutherland is applauding Beach's courage after putting his own face at the centre of a sex abuse case here in the Maritimes.