
Saving Sammy: We're off to the races, and have many to thank


Saving Sammy: Return to the Races – Part 5 Denny Baxter and his 18-year-old gelding prepare for a race in their honour.

“The best 10 days he’s had in years.”

That’s what my father Denny Baxter calls the week-and-a-half he spent on Prince Edward Island earlier this month with our 18-year-old rescued racehorse, Sammy.

The harness-racing retirees were invited to Charlottetown’s Red Shores Raceway to parade the entries for the Saving Sammy Pace, named in their honour. It was the first time in 14 years the duo paced down the stretch at the historic track.

A lot of planning and hard work went into setting up and shooting the series, but it was nearly as much fun for me as it was for dad.

“Saving Sammy” has been a labour of love -- twice now -- and I’m very grateful.

I want to thank Mike Currie of the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association for coming up with the idea and being such a help executing it. Julie Jamieson, also of PEIHRIA, for her expertise and ideas, especially at the yearling sale.

Speaking of which, Jeff and Evan Hennigar, thanks for taking us behind the scenes. I hope Harry becomes a champion, then home to Greenfield someday.

Lee Drake and Peter MacPhee of Red Shores Raceway, who run a harness racing, live broadcast that stands up to any in North America. Thank you for the cooperation, feedback, access and enthusiasm. Total pros.

Track announcer Vance Cameron too! #legend

Kayla Gallant is the young woman in Episode 5 who stepped up to help dad and Sammy in the race paddock. You didn’t see it on-air, but when we needed last-minute help, we turned around and Kayla was there.

Tom Clark, it was so good to finally meet you. I’m looking forward to a longer conversation next time.

Gilles and Kelly Barrieau, thank you for sharing the barn space with dad and giving viewers a glimpse of what harness racing excellence looks like.

Marc Campbell, for your insights on the best rivalry in Maritime harness racing. If there’s such a thing as a safe bet, you guys are it -- amazing competitors.

Saving Sammy

The Van Meers, Randy and Donna, I’ll always be in your debt for taking such good care of them both on your beautiful farm. Dad said, “this place is heaven to me.” It’s hard to argue with him.

Sam and Lynn McLean, Jim Atkinson, Danny Romo and Randy, this second series wouldn’t have happened without you. You kept us trucking and we are so grateful.

Jeff Lilley, thanks for being such a loyal buddy to dad. And to your mother Becky, thank you providing a warm home base for Denny, on top of the hot meals!

Lastly, thank you to every viewer who has come along for the ride with the wise, talented horse, and the old man who’s still a boy whenever they’re together.


Saving Sammy