
Saint John Gallery Hop returns for first time since 2019


Saint John Gallery Hop returns The Saint John Gallery Hop returns for the first time since the pandemic with eleven participating venues.

Calling all art lovers: one of Saint John’s favourite events is back for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

“We have many beautiful galleries,” says Saint John Arts Club coordinator Gayle Capson. “We want to draw attention to them because it is part of us.”

Eleven galleries will be featured in the city’s first Gallery Hop since 2019, bringing some focus back onto the art scene. The event runs on May 5 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

“Hearing the comments from people, I think it’s really important that they are going, ‘Oh my gosh, I didn’t know you were here,” says Capson. “So that’s exciting for us.”

The Gallery Hop is a way to offer a night on the town for art lovers and those curious about the local scene. Each venue features artists and their work, offering a more intimate chance for fans to better connect with the creators.

“I think it’s wonderful in that there are groups that go from one gallery to the other,” says Capson. “Sometimes they are just following in groups, while other times it’s just the stranglers that pop in.”

Spicer Merrfield’s Gallery will feature an all Saint John-inspired set painted by Amy Dryer specifically for the event.

“My family used to travel back here every summer when we were kids,” beams Dryer. “I have lots of memories from Saint John, of my grandparents’ homes, and that’s how I painted the show, with those rich childhood memories.”

Dryer is eagerly awaiting the chance to interact with fans about her work.

“To see people looking at the work and standing in front of it and maybe putting themselves into it and maybe having that connection is really something for me.”

Capson says at the end of the day, it’s all about the creators having the chance to share their masterpieces.

“Just showcasing the work is so important to the artist.”

Organizers say the goal of the night is to better connect with the community, as the arts scene has been a visually vibrant contributor to the uptown core.