After weeks of speculation, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly in P.E.I. ruled the liberal caucus will retain the status of official opposition while the Green Party will remain the third party, despite both parties being tied for second place following a recent by-election.
Although there is no precedent on P.E.I., Darlene Compton, the speaker, cited decisions in New Brunswick in 1994, federally in 1996, and in Alberta in 2014, all of which ruled in favour of the status quo.
The speaker also said the house leaders had not been able to come to a consensus on time.
The P.E.I. Greens are calling for equal time to the official opposition Liberals since both parties have three seats.
“I don’t know how the other house leaders are going to come back to us and say we can’t get anymore time, when clearly, they’ve lost a member, we’ve gained a member,” said Karla Bernard, P.E.I. Green leader. “That just doesn’t make any sense.”
The Liberals say they were waiting for the question of opposition status.
“We we’re awaiting that decision before we would make any more, or have any more negotiations on time allocation,” said Hal Perry, P.E.I. Liberal leader.
He said they are open to discussion on time now.
The speaker told the house leaders, in no uncertain terms, to sort it out.
“I will encourage the house leaders, each and every one of you, to consider, or continue, or begin, their negations to come to an arrangement of their own creation,” said Compton. “Instead of seeking one to be imposed on them.”
Compton ruled time allocation will be the same as the last sitting until the house leaders can come to a consensus.