
P.E.I. doctors lend hand in new recruitment campaign


P.E.I. campaign has doctors recruiting doctors Some doctors on Prince Edward Island are now part of a campaign by the health department to recruit and retain doctors in the province.

Doctors on Prince Edward Island are lending a hand to help with recruiting efforts in the province.

There’s a saying in the doctor's lounge at Charlottetown’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital. “Doctors recruit doctors. Communities keep them.”

Dr. Trevor Jain said he has no doubt in the second part and is happy to help with the first.

“We have a strong physician community. We help each other. We try to look after each other, and therefore the patients benefit from those close relationships,” said Jain.

Health department officials approached him to be one of the doctors featured in the campaign and he jumped at the opportunity.

“It’s very competitive coast to coast to coast, but, you know, I signed on initially for two years at P.E.I. and I’ve been here for 17 years,” said Jain.

There’s no secret P.E.I. is in desperate need, with doctor shortages ballooning the primary care wait list and causing long surgical waits.

The P.E.I. Green health critic read a response from Health PEI to an auditor general report on wait times at the Public Accounts Committee Wednesday.

“Because of the unprecedented health human resources shortages post pandemic, and the fact that any expansion of surgical services will require the building of additional operating rooms, the obvious steps necessary to address wait times are not currently able to be addressed,” said Peter Bevan-Baker, quoting the Health PEI comment in the report.

Jain said he knows there are issues that must be addressed, but the island is still a great place to practice and new doctors don’t know enough about it.

“Seventeen years ago when I came here, I was shocked to find out that P.E.I. has four different hospitals,” said Jain. “I think that one of the biggest hurdles is perception of what we can do here on the island.”

Jain also points to the UPEI medical school, which is currently under construction, as a major boon for recruitment. He said his last three emergency room physician hires all asked about it and said it's a reason they chose to come to the island.

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