
N.S. Youth Orchestra tells story of childhood cancer survivor


CTV Atlantic: Orchestra to tell survivor's story The Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra has a new multimedia show telling the story of a childhood cancer survivor and her oncologist.

The Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra is taking audiences on a journey this weekend with a new multimedia show telling the story of a childhood cancer survivor and her oncologist.

Mimisu Lee has overcome great odds to not only be playing music, but also, just to be alive.

"I had brain cancer when I was little, 19 months I was diagnosed and it was really tough for me. I had to go through chemo, radiation surgery and then it reoccurred," says Mimisu Lee.

20 years ago, even her doctor didn't have much hope.

"I treated a little girl who is three years old with a brain tumor almost 20 years ago, and I said, it's probably not going to be good, she's not going to do well in school, she's not going to be able to play music," says Dr. Rob Rutledge.

Surgeons essentially removed part of Lee's brain that controls her balance and memory, so it was difficult for her to learn certain things and to memorize. But she survived and thrived.

"I think you've got to be a fighter. I know my parents are always telling me that 'you were always a fighter as a kid'. Sometimes I don't feel that way, sometimes I feel defeated but you've really just got to keep going and find the motivation," says Lee.

"I think she is phenomenal, she is a miracle, she succeeded in school, she's going to a professional musician, and all because of her grit and determination, so I’m just honoured to share the stage with Mimisu Lee," adds Dr. Rutledge.

They both share the stage and story in the multimedia production that weaves stories of life and loss throughout the cancer journey. A production that is moving audiences to tears; some sad, but also tears of joy.

"Essentially I really shared my story because I wanted other people to know there's hope," says Lee.

Lee will graduate from Dalhousie University in May with hopes of pursuing a full-time career in music.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Marie Adsett.