
Nova Scotia's drive to recruit doctors enters new competitive phase


New campaign to attract more doctors to N.S. Launched Monday, a new campaign by the N.S. government aims to attract more doctors to the province.

The deputy minister in charge of Nova Scotia’s new physician recruitment campaign says it’s difficult to put a timeline on expected results. At the same time, Dr. Kevin Orrell also says the latest drive to lure doctors comes as the province has experienced some momentum in this area.

“We have made some significant short-term gains,” said Orrell, who is also the CEO of the Nova Scotia Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment.

According to Orrell, financial incentives help make Nova Scotia more competitive in recruitment. That’s why new primary care physicians coming to Nova Scotia can now earn up to $125,000 in bonuses over a five-year period.

The campaign includes an effort to sell Nova Scotia as an attractive destination for doctors.

“The interest in improving the health-care system is attractive to people who have worked elsewhere,” said Orrell.

Roughly six months into Premier Tim Houston’s mandate, the doctor shortage in Nova Scotia still stands at more than 82,000. Based on data provided by Orrell, there are 54 community clusters in Nova Scotia and 29 of those communities have doctor shortages. That includes 51 full-time ‘doctor-equivalent’ shortages -- which translates into roughly 100 family doctors needed at this time.

“We have a lot of work to do on the health-care file to support those health-care professionals who are here in the province now,” said Houston, who added Nova Scotia is focused on bringing in new physicians and keeping the ones they have.

"It is only through retention that we can really recruit.”

Alexis Rudderham lost her family doctor several months ago. She says pharmacists and nurses in her community have helped alleviate some of the pressure on her family.

"It may not be what we truly are used to," said Rudderham. "But the wheels are turning behind the scenes and they are being quite creative about it."

If Nova Scotia is successful in recruitment, Orrell says it should also translate in retaining the doctors who are already in the province.

“Because they will have better work-life balance," said Orrell. "With more people to support them in their work.”