
No gallery needed: Artists from around the world paint murals in Moncton


Festival Inspire makes Moncton stop Festival Inspire is bringing street art to the people of Moncton.

Local and international mural artists have been working for the past few days on creating bright, beautiful works of street art in Moncton's urban centre.

Montréal artist Sbu One has already finished murals in Edmundston and Caraquet. He used a drive to Hopewell Rocks and meeting new friends who have a pet bearded dragon for his inspiration.

He says he’s lost count of how many murals he’s created.

“It's like free art for people. They don't have to go to any gallery or museum. They can just see it right in the street,” One said.

Three of the five new murals being painted in the city are from international artists who have come from the Netherlands, Mexico and Spain.

Artist Slim Safont is working on a mural of a train conductor on the back of a main street building. It's his first time in Canada and he's loving the hub city.

“I think it's a really good city, I like it. The people are very friendly. The streets and the architecture are really beautiful. It reminds me of a film I saw. It's quite different from Spain,” said Safont, who lives in Barcelona.

His work stopped many in their tracks on a busy street during the lunch hour.

“I find it fascinating and I could watch him for hours. The artist is obviously very talented. Just watching the face, and how it's going,” said Muriel Gallays as she walked by. “I just find it very good.”

Most of the artists were putting the finishing touches on their work Friday with the goal of finishing by the end of the weekend.

Festival Inspire wraps up in Moncton Saturday at midnight. Its next stop is Charlottetown, P.E.I. all next week.