HALIFAX — According to Nathan Mackinnon’s former minor hockey coach, Saturday's Stanley Cup parade will be the final offseason chapter of a championship celebration that has lasted nearly two months.
"To bring it back home, and widen the party and celebrating with people here who made a lot of them and Iknow he’s excited for the weekend," said Jon Greenwood.
The parade will start Saturday at noon at Scotiabank Centre. The route will include Spring Garden Road, South Park and Sackville streets, followed by an outdoor rally outside city hall.
"We are all excited to welcome Nathan and the Stanley Cup back home," said Halifax Mayor Mike Savage. "We are proud of our local boy who has a Stanley Cup to go with his Memorial Championship. It is going to be a great celebration."
People attending the parade should brace for big crowds and traffic congestion.
“Anticipate difficulties finding parking and we anticipate traffic delays just like every time we have a parade downtown," said HRM spokesperson Ryan Nearing, who added, people who are coming from outside of the downtown core should use public transit. “Consider hopping on the ferry and you will be closer to where the parade route is, especially if it is a beautiful day.”
In an email to CTV, Halifax Regional Police Constable Nicolas Gagnon said, “HRPwill be present to support this event and will be on site for public safety and traffic control.”
Sunny weather, excited hockey fans and a big crowd should result in a busy day in downtown Halifax
“It is going to be a lot of atmosphere around here," said Durty Nelly's Irish Pub manager Eugene McCabe. "It’s going to bring people downtown and have a fun time.”
Midtown Tavern manager Colin Grant expects an increase in business this weekend.
“There aregoing to be a lot of people," said Grant. "It’s going to be a celebration and beers go good with parade, I believe.”
Greenwood said, while this is the first Stanley Cup celebration for the Colorado Avalanche superstar, he expects him to be hungrier for even more success.
“One thing with Nate that separateshim from other people is that he’s never satisfied,” said Greenwood.
Which means, Greenwood won'tbe surprised if MacKinnon has more Stanley Cup victory parades in the future.