
'I just can't keep up': Maritime family shares struggles as cost of living climbs


Raising a family in the age of inflation From gas to groceries, 31-year high inflation is crushing the family budget. CTV’s Sarah Plowman sat down with a couple feeling the crunch.

People across the Maritimes are feeling the hurt of a 31-year-high inflation.

From gas to groceries, prices are gouging pocketbooks right across the country.

With two young and growing kids, food evaporates quickly at Alex Place and Tyler Hayes’ apartment in Hammonds Plains, N.S. It’s the bills that aren’t as easily digestible.

“Especially food and gas is probably the biggest thing for us right now,” Place said.

The pair has two incomes and two vehicles, but also two car payments.

“Our Mazda 5 went from filling it to around $60, could be a little more give-or-take, to about $90,” Place said. “And I personally drive a truck, so it’s a lot more for me. I’m not able to drive really anywhere anymore when I used to drive everywhere.”

Compared to a year ago, the couple estimates they’re spending about $50 to $100 more on groceries every two weeks and it now costs about $130 more to fill up both vehicles.

“No matter how hard I work, it’s constant. I mean, I could work eight days a week and I just can’t keep up with it,” Hayes said.

One big expense that did drop for the pair is daycare, thanks to subsidies from the Nova Scotia and federal governments. But even that bill still eats up about half of Place’s paycheque.

A year ago, they were living with family to save for a house. It’s a dream they’ve delayed and now they face additional setbacks, like the mounting cost of their dog’s medical bills, for which the couple has launched a crowdfunding campaign to help.

Their plan is to sell their truck and explore the possibility of moving west or to a more affordable province.

For now, they’re cutting costs by cutting back.

“Don’t go camping every weekend like we used to, we don’t go out with friends,” Place said.

“We do things, activities with our friends, that might be free instead of taking them to the zoo and paying for entrance fees.”

Place buys in bulk at Costco and uses coupons whenever she can. She also buys furniture second-hand. The idea that inflation could keep growing is troubling.

“It’s scary to be frank because if it’s already hard as a two-income family and we’re paycheque-to-paycheque now. What is it going to look like in the future? What are we going to have to cut out?” she said.