Hundreds of people from across Prince Edward Island packed into a convention room in Summerside Thursday night to express their concerns over the state of critical care at the Prince County Hospital and, by extension, the state of island health-care as a whole.
As Health PEI’s CEO, the Chief Medical Officer, and P.E.I.’s health minister entered the room, people began to chant, “PCH, PCH, PCH.”
Residents pressed the minister on the government’s plans to return reduced critical care services to the hospital.
The moderator raised rumours recruiting staff weren’t following up with doctors and medical students interested in practicing in P.E.I.
Minister Mark McLane said that of 16 supposed cases since he started, staff were in contact with 15, and the last wasn’t a real lead.
“This is the most competitive workforce in the world,” said McLane. “It would just simply not make sense for us to not call anybody back.”
Derek Key, the former chair of the board of Health PEI, rose and broke the silence he held since stepping down at the end of 2023.
“I’ve done my absolute best since the day that I sent my letter of resignation to the premier to make no comment on any of this,” said Key. “Unfortunately, Mr. Minister, while I expect what you just said is what you’ve been told, it’s not true.”
Key read an email he’d received from a medical student who reached out about rotations on P.E.I., but hasn’t got what they need to make it happen.
McLane asked anyone who knows about a doctor who can’t get in touch with recruiters to contact him.
At the end of the two-hour meeting, Summerside Mayor Dan Kutcher stood and gave his assessment on if government would go forward to develop a plan with PCH staff to stabilize critical care now, to return those services within six months, and stand up and be accountable.
“I didn’t hear those commitments tonight,” said Kutcher, as the crowd broke into applause.
Kutcher did thank officials for a commitment not to reduce care any further.
Despite the meeting being about Summerside’s hospital, people attended from as far away as Tignish, Souris, and Charlottetown.