
HRM residents dig out after a weekend of non-stop snow


First at Five: Digging Out After days of constant snowfall and heavy winds, Maritimers emerge for a massive cleanup.

In the words of snow plow operator Mitchell O’Leary, the last three days were, “One thing after another.”

A weekend of pretty much non-stop storm activity resulted in 40-to-50 centimetres of snow falling in the Halifax area.

O’Leary worked through the night and into the morning on multiple days.

“We’ve been nothing but busy,” said O’Leary. “This is our fourth time out since we started on Friday.”

On every city street in Halifax and Dartmouth, snow blowers were in full snow-clearing mode along with hundreds of shovellers.

The sidewalk-clearing situation around the HRM is still a work-in-progress, which means pedestrians like Theresa Maclellan need to be extra-careful.

“You just have to watch for cars because you can’t hear them coming,” said MacLellan.

As the clean-up continues, there are signs of progress. Many city roads and streets are now clear on both sides of the Halifax Harbour.

Joggers are jogging and cross-country skiers are skiing, trying to get around the city as easily as possible.

Snowblower A Halifax resident uses a snowblower. (Paul Hollingsworth/CTV News Atlantic)

Halifax resident James Goode didn’t miss his morning walk.

“With the dog, he loves to get out,” said Goode, also got out over the weekend, even with the severe weather conditions. “Actually, I went to the Neptune show last night.”

Simar Singh wasn’t going anywhere early Monday morning, at least not for a while.

Singh parked his car on the street overnight. He did not get a ticket, but he did pay a punishing price.

“It is kind of heavy,” said Singh. “It is like ‘wet’ heavy.”

That's likely the worst kind of heavy as many Maritimers continue to dig out on this messy Monday.

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